I think it’s getting to the point where anything that Nick Spencer writes must immediately go to my pull list. His Superior Foes of Spider-Man was one of the best runs I’ve read in a long long time, and Ant-Man looks to be a great follow up. The sarcasm, wit, and honesty he gives his characters is refreshing.
I read this comic out loud to my three-year-old daughter as she sat on my lap. A lot of the story went over my daughter’s head, which is probably for the best, but she did pay attention to some things. She can identify Ant-Man, Cassie, and Ant-Man’s ex-wife Peggy (known to her as Cassie’s mom). She knows that Ant-Man is Cassie’s dad. She kept asking me why Iron Man wasn’t wearing his armor on every single page with Tony Stark. Then my two-year-old son came over and asked if we were reading Spider-Man.
“No, we’re reading Ant-Man.”
“Because, this comic is about Ant-Man.”
“No. Spider-Man.”
“No, this is Ant-Man. Maybe next time we can read Spider-Man.”
No response… he just walked away.
I also learned about the movie Battle Royale in this comic, which I will have to look in to watching. You should too. Here, I’ll even do the hard work for you. Here’s the Wikipedia for Battle Royale.
The art by Ramon Rosanas is great, and fits Spencer’s writing extremely well. He can convey emotions incredibly well through very simple line work. I hope this team stays together for a while.
There were about a million variant covers for this comic, but I just went with the regular cover, with art by Mark Brooks. I really like this cover. If I had this as a print, I’d hang it in my living room man cave. (You’ve probably never met my wife, but we both know darn well that an Ant-Man print isn’t going up in the living room.)
My only complaint is that Ant-Man’s voice sounds an awful lot like Boomerang, the lead character from Spencer’s Superior Foes series. Both characters have similarities for sure. They are kind of down on their luck losers who will often find a way to make poor decisions no matter how bright the future looks. As much as I loved Superior Foes, I really hope we see Ant-Man grow in a different direction and become a little less like Boomerang. I’m not really too worried about that, but it’s worth mentioning.
Sign me up for the long haul. Marvel is pushing Ant-Man big time as he prepares to make his big screen debut this summer. It’s no coincidence that the trailer for the Ant-Man movie is released on the same day as the first issue of the new Ant-Man series, both featuring the same alter ego of Ant-Man, Scott Lang. You should definitely be reading this book.
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